Uneven Ground Needs to Be Fixed
One more look at the ground that needed some fixing. This pool is going to be ready for summer fun in no time.

Getting Ready to Lift and Level
In order to lift and level this pool area, we drill 5/8" holes to inject our polyurethane foam. The foam expands beneath and lifts the ground above to a level height with the surrounding ground.

Injection Foam Lifts and Levels
Once our polyurethane foam is injected and expands to achieve the necessary lifting and leveling, we simply cover the injection points with cement. Just like that you can enjoy your pool.

Our Solution is Mess-free and Quick!
Wouldn't it be great to level the ground around your pool in just a short time? No massive equipment, mess or cleanup? Well, we have that product and it's a great option instead of the usual mudjacking that can be a bit messier!

Trip Over Pool Toys Not the Uneven Ground!
No more tripping hazards...from uneven ground that is! We can't guarantee pool toys won't get in the way!